Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bambi Meets Godzilla

A friend of mine's wife has cancer. It may be very bad, we don't know yet, the tests aren't all in. I have a numbness in my left hand. For the past week we've been talking (via email) about the numbness in my left hand. It's a lot easier to talk about the insignificant numbness in my left hand than it is to talk about his wife's cancer.

A few weeks back we learned that for twenty years Obama has been a congregent to the hate spewing Rev Jeremiah Wright, a man he considers his spiritual mentor. We also learned that Hillary did not face sniper fire in Tuzla. Oh my gosh! Hilllary is a liar! Who would have thunk it? It's Hillary who went down in the polls, not Obama. It's a lot easier to be angry that Hillary told yet another lie (the response should be a yawn) than it is to face that the new American messiah is actually a black cracker who hates whites. That's painful, that's scary, so we pretend it's not true. The anger appropriate toward the black man is displaced to the damsel.

But a few days back Barack delivered himself of this bit of elitist contempt --towards Pennsylvanians "bitter" about job loss:

And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.

In America it is not acceptable to state that a black man is a racist; it's not acceptable to even feel or acknowledge that a black man can hate, though absolutely everyone knows that racist hatred in America pretty much only goes in one direction. But while that can't be felt, acknowledged, or stated, it is totally acceptable in America to feel contempt for an elitist snot, of whatever color. In democratic America a snot is called a snot.

Barack is going down. There are plenty of reasons to find him --how should we say-- "unacceptable", but now there's one that can be faced, felt, and stated: a snot is a snot is a snot; and there are plenty of other emotions to fuel the one that now can be publicly declared.

"Vote for Obama? Are you kidding me? Vote for that elitist Harvard out-of-touch rich guy snob with the whiny bitchy wife? Have you listened to what he says...?"

And so now that it's acceptable to find fault with the dear boy fault will be found. Few will point out that he's a racist, some will question his associations, and all around the edges of that concept there will be criticism. In a month he'll be a con man and a hack.

This will be good public discussion because one that's honest.


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