Sunday, February 24, 2008

Minor Muse Moment

Haven't read, have to make a post, will just muse.

There really isn't much that's interesting now in terms of the horse race. The only matter of consequence left that I care about is whether or not Huckabee will be able to establish himself as a force the Republican upchucks have to consider. Now that the nomination has been decided, if he still does well then he's not Harold Stassen, he's the leader of a significant voting block that insists it must be recognized. Nothing could be more wholesome for the Republican party --for the whole nation-- than to have a unified Christian conservative political movement --well led-- that can't be bought by a pander but has to be recognized as a force.

Huck is the man to do it because he can speak in the secular voice at the same time as there's no doubt he's a Christian. A nation can't be strong without a commitment to a faith --witness the entirety of Europe, so pleased in its contempt of faith but utterly dead as a culture; unable to protect itself even from it's lowest socioeconomic ragtag immigrant minority; a minority effortlessly contemptuous of the idea that there is strength in secularism, demanding Sharia, and easily proving themselves strong simply by being annoyed. --Liberated Europeans have difficulty with that annoyance, and find it annoying, because after all haven't they freed them selves from the centuries old constraining judgments of an angry God? That takes great intellect, you know, and courage. Intellect and courage, shouldn't that be achievement enough? How about some praise? They certainly do know its exhilaration, so very superior. Above constraint now, unanchored, they soar; unbound, they fly; within the wind they fly; within the wind they are of the wind... a wisp of wind. --There is no strength for any man except in faith. There are no exceptions. That is, if the enemy is of an alien culture and simply doesn't recognize sophistication when they see it.

Such ideas of course are not expressible in America; by much of America they're held in contempt, to make such statements is to lecture. No one listens to a lecture they don't like. But that's the beauty of a political movement. You don't have to lecture, you just say: "We got votes; what do we get?"

Such a wholesome dream... But this might be a good time for it to happen. The nominee --known-- is not a bad fellow. Any vote against him is really not a vote for another guy but a vote for a message. A mixed message to be sure, but undeniably a message. If Huck does well even with the nominee known it should be that even the best-of-us will not be so dense as to not recognize there is some dissatisfaction.

I hope this happens. The dynamics are in place --gently, there is no vitriol-- the whole question is just the matter of numbers: how many out there actually want the same kind of voice I want? I don't know. It's all numbers, it's all votes. That's democracy for you.

Note: This is exactly the argument Huck makes when he says if you want me to continue you have to vote for me. So simple, so powerful. He also holds out hope for a brokered convention. This is for those who want miracles. It could happen... as yet it's not impossible. It's a kind of pep talk, a pick-me-up. That's okay. It's possible there is no such thing as a powerful motivation that isn't seasoned just a bit with fantasy.

--I should at some point more deeply consider the pathology of Obamaisn. It seems sort of the sixties all over again, only instead of a Maharishi we've got a half-white guy who's a liberal who's called black. --I'll note the flower children never elected a president.


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