Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Fit Has Fled

I no longer feel any interest in following the primaries, it has all been determined.

Hillary is dead. A party needs a leader. She had been awarded that mantle of "leadership" simply because she had been the most visible figure who had successfully fought Republicans. But now there has been discovered a new figure whom it is believed can more effectively contest that battle and so that figure now has become leader. And there is in fact no other question that matters; "Who can best fight Republicans?" is absolutely the only question that resides within the psyche of the Democrat, whether deeply buried and obscured by "issues", or right on the surface as "Who can win in November?" But that is the battle that has been fought between Hillary and Obama and Hillary lost. This is a judgment of faith and it can't change until there's been failure and that can't happen until it's over. Hillary's toast.

The question of how that judgment is made --Who can most effectively fight Republicans?-- is a different matter to answer and not in the least difficult because it's not accepted by many that this is in fact the only question asked. For my purposes just now I simply assert it is so.

So what is it that makes a Republican, this creature that must be defeated?

--First, a Republican is a member of the opposition, and therefore remarkably evil. If a man opposes goodness, how can he not be evil?

--Secondly, Republicans are the ones who have made the world the way it is, and that is, remarkably bad. It's Republicans who start wars and kill people. It's Republicans who destroy the economy and imperil the lives of the children. It's Republicans who torture people and give tax breaks to the rich and destroy the planet and create loneliness and failure and the rage that is within the heart of every Democrat. The world is a bad place and the world is Republican.

--But what if the world were Democrat? Why then the lion would lie down with the lamb, goodness would reign, and love and peace and admiration would shower down upon us and there would be nothing of the cold or the bitter or the sharp and nothing resistant would remain but there would be only adoration and that amongst us and forever, amen. For this is the fruit of goodness.

--And who is there among us who is the goodness candidate? For Heaven's sake, if you must ask, get thee behind me, Satan.

--So Barack will lead us not only to the nomination but to the promised land. --Pretty heady stuff, and the pill that is Hill thinks she can compete against that? Hill struggles yet against Elysium. Hill is Satan, and as I've mentioned once already, Hill is toast.

As for the Republicans? Well, they live in a different world and that world happens to be the real world, and they happen to have as a standard bearer a man who certainly isn't going to suggest posies and springtime. His very features are an argument. You can chose one world or you can chose the other but there can be no doubt about which world you are choosing.

So how will the election turn out? It seems it will depend on the ratio of the sane to the insane.


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