Saturday, February 23, 2008

Decompress'n Down

I think my entries for a bit will just be muse. The race seems now so finally finished that it just isn't interesting anymore.

It appears McCain effectively dealt with the "undue influence/sex scandal" before I even got around to reading about it. The immensely satisfying thing about that is that it argues he has political skills; he counters an attack, not simply with a press conference, but with a coordinated, many pronged counter utilizing many many surrogates. That he has that skill bodes well for a McCain presidency.

Of course there is yet Huck, my favorite guy. I fear the vine has withered. It's hard for his supporters to send a message vote when it's getting to the point where the message they might want to send is that they're getting to really like that guy McCain. I would still vote Huck, but I am getting to like that guy McCain. I do think the attack by the NYT, so weak, and the response, so massive and final, was just a godsend to his campaign.

I could note that right at the outset of the scandal --when no one then knew how it would turn out-- Huckabee was asked about it and said: "You know I have campaigned now on the same stage and platform withJohn McCain for 14 months, I only know him to be a man of integrity.Today he denied that any of that was true, I take him at his word. I have no further comment other than that for me to get into it is completely immaterial. Again I only know him what I know him to be and that's a good and decent and honorable man." And that's all he would say. Romney's aides were asked about the matter and said: Why couldn't this have happened two months ago?

...I imagine there are other world issues besides American primaries... Yes, I am sure there are.

One thing on last night's non-event debate between Hillary and Barack. It was said this was her last chance to make a difference, she should have done something to shake things up. I don't know if you can do anything to shake up mass delusion. As I understand she was her normal wonky self, that's who she is, and that may be her strongest card. No matter what she says Obama isn't going to lose his supporters as long as they're on their endomorpine high. She simply has to wait for the fit to pass, knowing it can't last... The problem here is the matter of time --she's got less than two weeks-- but even if the fit does pass and he's seen as just another politician, still there's this problem, he's not Hillary, and there are just a lot of people who just do not like Hillary. --I understand she still has a pretty good lead in Ohio.


I see Gov Perry of Texas has had some harsh words for Huck:
Perry [said], "We had a mercy rule in six man football in Pan Creek, where I came from, and when you're behind by 45 points at the half, you just go ahead and salute the other side and say well done, and walkaway, before anybody gets hurt... I'd suggest to Mike it's time for the mercy rule to go into effect."

Huckabee has been campaigning hard in Perry's state and no symbolism was lost yesterday when Huckabee spoke in front of the Alamo in San Antonio, site of the "last stand" in the battle for Texas independence. That symbolism did not go unnoticed by Gov. Perry either, "I think Mike's already had his last stand. I think it's over for the republican nomination. And I respect Mike but it's time for us as a party to get behind Sen. McCain."

My personal feeling is this is probably the attack of a political idiot. He's saying exactly: The message doesn't matter, only the party. And that's the opposite of what Huck is saying, at least for this point in the race. Perry creates ill-will, and galvanizes Huck's supporters. It is true that the real danger Huck faces is embarrassment. If he does badly, he's badly embarrassed, and that could happen; but if he doesn't do badly he's giving an important voice to the public, and Perry ought to just suck it up and shut up.


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