Thursday, February 07, 2008

Huck Gets Gold!

...Or silver, as the case might be. Just turned on the radio and the Mitt has quit. Allow me.... WHOOPEE!!! --So deeply I respected and revered and honored the man, he will be missed.

Have heard no details by the way, that later. --Note: I believe Bill Kristol predicted already late Tuesday night that Romney would use his CPAC address to withdraw. That Bill Kristol is a smart guy, you gotta listen to him. But I will modestly mention as well that there are those who for some time have insisted that there were only two meaningfully viable men in the Republican primary and one of them wasn't the fellow just gone.


I have had time to read some and will read more in a bit.

Apparently Mitt gave a quality speech and called for party unity. That was a wise course and welcome. Then McCain spoke, stating general conservative ideas and was well received. That's good. It's sane to get behind your candidate, and McCain is acceptable to anybody not insane. I believe Paul spoke first and Huck didn't show.

Why no Huck show? Very possibly he wanted to give the limelight to MaC.

Paul will stay in. He's the ultimate in terms of message candidate; and Huck has said he will stay in. McCain will continue to campaign, but at a more leisured pace, stressing the larger gatherings, and going Obama. He has to be quite general for awhile. He has to give the wounded-right time to come back with some sense of personal dignity --by whatever arguments they can come up with. He can't go right but he can go general. It would be good if he could create some good feeling and some optimism.

Where will Romney's votes go? I've long said he had no support other than McCain hatred. With your enemy successful and warmly welcomed by many and yourself on the small and losing end, how long is it going to be satisfying to be righteous? Once you've lost you have no power anymore. Nobody has to listen. I really don't think the satisfactions of righteousness are great when you're ignored.

For awhile many will decided not to vote, a few will vote for Paul, I suppose a few will vote for Huck, though I don't know how many since he's demon second. 'Course, he's the only one who could get enough votes to possibly beat McCain in a race or two... I don't know that that's a very powerful motivation.

I don't know how things will turn out but it's nothing but consolidation from now on. Huck will be respectful of McCain --he genuinely likes McCain-- but he might push for some wins. He is a message candidate too, as well as Paul, and Evangelicals do want to be a force and they couldn't have a better candidate. And a continuing race, as long as it's not bitter, is good for everybody. It means more news coverage. --I do hope Mitt disappears and keeps his mouth shut.

Right-wing nut-talk radio? I don't know if they'll get on board or not. I certainly have developed a contempt for them. What they do is something I'll have to read about, I'm sure not going to listen. Except for Medved, who's been quite honorable.

This is fun. From Swampland:
Clint Eastwood: Ann Coulter, others, 'masochistic'

Clint Eastwood, actor, film director and producer and himself a smalltown mayor, sees a sense of masochism in the Republicans -- like Ann Coulter... Coulter, commentator and author of If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d be Republicans, had said last week on FOX's Hannity and Colmes that she'd sooner campaign for Clinton than vote for McCain.
Ann, as I've said before, spank yourself.

This Is Good:
OMAHA, NE -- Barack Obama called Mitt Romney's candidacy "ineffective" on the day that the former MA governor exited the presidential race.

Romney, who dropped out of the race for president today in Washington, said in his exit speech that the GOP must unify and not allow Democrats to allow the country to "surrender to terror."

"Well my reaction to Mitt Romney's comment that's the kind of poorly thought out comment that lead him to drop out," Obama said during a press avail on his campaign plane. "It's a classic attempt to appeal to people's fears that will not work in this campaign. I think that's part of the reason he was such an ineffective candidate."

Actually, I have no idea what he just said but it's a gratuitous insult and gives the Mitt-heads somebody to be angry with besides McCain.

The entertainment doesn't stop. This from Howard Fineman:
Burying Mitt: Romney failed because he ran as something he's not.

The quality of being genuine is hard to convey, and deciding who should be president based solely on that basis can lead to disaster; you need brains and an ability to go with the flow as well. But voters know a phony above all and Romney came off as one from the get-go.

And so forth. Romney's out. He's not a factor anymore. There's no particular reason why a Democrat should bother to kick him in the head... except that Fineman judged he needed it because he is a phony and that gets under one's skin. --This is MSM, kicking Mitt when he's down. People who like Mitt really don't like MSM... How are the so recently dispossessed possibly going to have enough energy to hate all the people who are disrespecting their man Mitt?

Huck says some gracious words and adds: "I'd like to ask for and welcome the support of those who had previously been committed to Mitt." So again it is affirmed that we have yet the Huckabbee with us.

And this is nice, a piece by Noemie Emery discussing nut-right-nut-radio. A lot of people who used to find it a delight now can't listen. She qoutes some who say [of Hannity] "... it was like he was talking about Hillary Clinton or Al Gore or John Kerry."
The hosts are being urged on by most of the people who call into their programs, but while this goes on, unknown numbers of others are turning the dial, or turning them off, or turning the sound down until those rare moments when they find a different pinata to thwack at. They may not come back, and if they do, they may always look at them differently.

So true. I can't stand the bastards anymore. This needs some psy-co-a-na-ly-sis. Maybe I'll try that tomorrow.


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