Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wither Hence?

Giuliani out, support to McCain. Huckabee still in, support still... mainly taken from McCain. Normally in news coverage an equivalency is drawn, what Giuliani will give to McCain Huck would give to Romney were he to withdraw. Huck's conservative voters supposedly would go to the "conservative" Romney. That's not true. It's McCain who's largely the second choice of Huckabee supporters. How hard is that to understand? On the stump Huckabee doesn't attack McCain, he attacks Romney. My personal explanation for that is that Romney's a dirt bag. You know, the guy supported by talk radio.

(I should mention the exception, Michael Medved, who seems to be a man of some honor and judgment. He's been quite courteous to the Huck. There may be others, but I don't know, I don't listen to talk radio anymore.)

So Huck stays in. He takes some votes from McCain, but he does get to beat dirt, which has to be fun, and if Romney were to drop out, he would have the South. He'll gain some delegates and some influence anyway, and staying in he does embarrass, anger, and lessen the Great Gods of Talk, and that in fact is God's work.

So, things are going nicely. I did notice in my reading last night that some at The Corner have begun to develop some temperance of emotion. That's good. They certainly have some way to go to become gentlemen.

--I am disappointed that Giuliani's out --or on his way out. I rather liked the guy.
--I still hope Huck will begin to consolidate the Evangelical vote. Many still do vote for Romney and that's a wasted vote. I guess this is something that could be argued.
--Bill Bradley, Pajamas Media, yesterday, 7:32pm PST:
Mike Huckabee is staying in the race. He likes McCain, and will be drawing votes that might otherwise go to Romney. As Giuliani was doing to McCain.

--But matters can be complex. This from RCP blog FL Primary Election Thread:
9:42PM - Giuliani dropping out helps McCain, right? Well, not so fast. According to the exit polls, 49% of those who voted for Rudy today picked Mitt Romney as their 2nd choice while 44% picked McCain. And, interestingly, those who voted for Huckabee overwhelmingly picked McCain as their top 2nd choice over Mitt Romney, 54% to 32%. - TOM BEVAN

I'm going to presume that the Rudy types who picked Romney as their second choice were just being spiteful toward the man who was taking votes from Rudy. Rudy gone, and endorsing McCain, they'll follow and vote McCain. So I presume.


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