Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Morning After Notes

--More in sorrow than in anger: Mitt, Get Outta da race! I trust it is properly understood how genuine is my sorrow.

--It occurs to me that now that it's understood Mitt is not a viable candidate Huck will do better in the next contest. If Mitt actually does have some conservative support -- and not just anti-McCain hate-support-- and if those voters do want a candidate who can carry their message and actually win in a state where people actually go into a both and vote, then the man to get behind is Huck. (Mitt has proven he can't win where people actually vote. He can win where he can buy caucus organization; and he can win where his daddy's been governor, where he's been governor, or where nobody lives but Mormons, but he can't win where people actually go into a both like normal Americans and pull a lever).

--And it occurs to me that the reason people who consider the economy there number one issue vote more heavily for McCain than Romney is because Romney has shown how badly he handles money. He's a spend spend spend candidate, damn the results. His cost/benefit analysis seems nonexistent. His financial judgment seems nonexistent to foolhardy. Bad man to trust with the public's money.

--Note that Drudge headlines: Election Shock: Obama Claims Delegate Lead

Just found this. Stunningly similar to my thought. Joe Carter of Evangelical Outpost. Never heard of it before but have bookmarked it.


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