Thursday, June 05, 2008

Witch In the Weeds

In the interest of getting off a post, but somewhat pressed for time, I'm going to again make use of an email.

Dear K,

Don't know when you called. I fell solidly asleep unexpectedly just moments after 11:00. I only sat to rest a bit and woke at daylight. Going back to bed soon for about an hour.

Don't let Hillary fool you. She's hiding in the weeds. She's maintaining control of her delegates, is "allowing" states who haven't completed their caucus delegate selections to continue to elect delegates to support her; has stated that the Democrat party is "two parties now", and that it's her obligation to unite them (and guess who controls half of that party); and just generally is going to disappear for awhile, avoid the flack that would be hitting her if she stayed visible, and will wait for Obama to screw up. Might or might not happen (I presume it will), but at any rate it's her only strategy. I believe it's a determined strategy.

--I would note that Clinton supporters are not swayed by party leaders or the main stream media; in a psychological sense they've become similar to conservatives; these are people for whom they have great contempt, and you don't pay attention to people you consider garbage. So I believe they'll stay loyal to Hillary, and just watch as others celebrate Obambi frenzy. Friday I expect Hillary will state her terms, which will be the direction she gives her troops. Then she'll just wait.

As I've said, I'm absolutely certain Obama is going to implode, I just don't know when.

See you, --M


Huckabee did a similar thing. After Super Tuesday, when McCain won California, Romney conceded, Huck didn't. This was fine with me, I supported Huck and disliked Romney, but Huck faced a lot of flack, he was being a "spoiler". He handled it I think brilliantly: he went to the Cayman Islands to give a speech. He was mocked for taking a "vacation", but he totally avoided the venom that would have been directed toward him if just at that point he had continued to campaign. As it turned out, he never did catch fire beyond his base, but it was a good campaign, he's still very much respected by his base, and his base is reasonably well disposed toward McCain. Romney, who did the conventionally correct thing and dropped out and supported McCain, is still much disliked by McCain, and McCain is much disliked by Romney supporters. In this case, Huck's decision to stay in the race was the politically intelligent one, Romney's was unintelligent; nothing was resolved simply because he did concede, the process didn't run its course, resentments continued to simmer.

With Hillary the parallels certainly aren't exact, she is fundamentally tied with Obama, it's only media "exuberance" that has declared Obama the nominee, but where the parallel is exact is in going to the Cayman Islands. Hillary has to disappear for awhile, just to escape the venom. That's what it means to "suspend" her campaign. In fact the campaign goes on, it's just that the strategy is different. Just now she's going to let the other guys fight. Possibly she'll then be able to step in over the pieces.


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