Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Taking Stock

What a quite pleasing political season it's been so far these last two months, and I foresaw none of it. Romney, the great fraud, has been defeated. Hillary, the vast witch, is being defeated, probably has been defeated for good --and by her own party-- which means she will disappear as a memory and not linger as a martyr; and the Huck has arisen to lead us to Righteousness and Good Humor; talk radio has been revealed as a leprosy on the body politic; and McCain is a pretty good guy, actually showing more stature now than I've seen from him before. There may be something in him that's very fine, we'll have to see.

So this is an immense amount to have happened in just two months, so much more than I'd expected. My whole hope for this political season was only that Romney could be forstalled from buying the first two states and thus catapulting himself to the nomination. So much more good has happened than just that.

I haven't written much about the Democrats because they're very boring people. The whole dynamism is that the whole party for fifteen years has glommed around slime-ball one and slime-ball two, and now finally have the good fortune of deliverance through the agency of the high-minded TelePrompTer rhetoric of a man who, whatever else he might be, is definitely not slime.

So we have John and they have Obama. Good for them, good for us. The contest has contrast, that at least. And whatever else may happen, the American Republic now has a fresher scent for no longer having the Clintons.

Of the coming battle I say: "Bring it on."


--All those of stature who pushed The Romney still must be shamed, scourged, and beaten with sticks. I'm not sure just how that's going to be done but it's a good thing to do. --Perhaps they might just apologize for being fools, frauds, and manipulators.

--And the Huck must be allowed to run his course. It feels good to vote for a good man. It's a statement. If those who are his supporters are allowed to make that statement they're going to feel a whole lot better November about supporting the nominee.

--And the nominee has to yet continue to show stature and allow that course to be run, and appreciate that the electorate is expressing a voice that a wholesome nation would consider.

So, two really good months. But history does not stop. There will be kerfluffules yet, and I probably can't predict any better what they might be than I predicted the past.



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