Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bring It On

I say, if we're going to have a depression, let's do it. I'm immensely unimpressed that the people who let this financial problem develop --I'm thinking Bernake and Paulson-- are the two who should be able to fix it. They've already proved themselves incompetent, their prescriptions for cure can mean nothing. Buying their ideas is buying the pig. Right now the financial engine sputters. If we let things ride either something unclogs or something breaks, either way we know the problem because we'll be able to see it. Right now the diagnosis is all analysis, and it's not something I trust at all, and I don't like somebody telling me "Give me 700 billion because I'm right." I would prefer to give them the door, as failures, and then just wait to see what happens. I would presume that the markets, under stress, would discover some collective intelligence. I don't think the markets want a depression anymore than I do.


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