Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Reuters/Zogby: McCain 46, Obama 41

I note John McCain's lead is finally beginning to show up in the polls. I mean by that that Americans recognize that McCain is a man and Obama is a cheap suit. That's been apparent since the end of the primaries. With Democrats no longer having Hillary to kick around anymore they suddenly find themselves with what they thought they had been hoping for, a black guy with a grin. But that's not much. The Messiah from Chicago, all Chicago.

Everyone know knows the guy is nothing but a party hack, and they've been had. But if you're a liberal, how in the world do you change faith and vote against race? That would be improper, impious, wrong. Apostate. It can't be done... unless somebody gives permission.

I think it's Barrack himself who's given permission, by going on his one week vacation to Hawaii, and not coming back when things were happening in the world. It was a way of saying: I'm not really here, you're on you're own. And a number of people took him at his word and have begun to support McCain.

And it is true that he really isn't "here". When he was in Hawaii and by himself he was the Leader of the World. In his mind. Now, when he came back, he said to McCain: "You don't know what you're up against." My how grand one is when one lives delightedly within one's dreams.

The man is nuts. I presume that what has now begun, the sane judgment of Americans, will not alter in its inevitable flow toward a Republican victory this Fall. It's the change we've all been waiting for.
Another matter of great interest to me. Some numbers have now come out on the comparative casualties suffered in the Georgia conflict. Russia is reporting 64 killed, 3?? wounded. Georgia claims 160 killed, 4?? missing. Both are lying of course, but it certainly indicates there wasn't much of a battle. It was as I suspected, just an ordered retreat by Georgia, and the trap of world opprobium intangling the very stupid bear.

-------------- Ha! Looking for the article --I read it just this morning-- so that I could give the link and get the numbers exactly right, I can't find it! This is extraordinary. This is exceptionally important news, and it's disappeared!? I didn't read that much this morning, I presume I read it on Fox, and now it's not there? Very strange. Could have been pulled because it was just wrong, could have been pulled because somebody just doesn't want it out there... Or maybe I just can't find it again. But that's nuts; it's too important to be hidden or slighted.

Checked the Small Wars Journal, they collect every relevant news story. Nothing. Very odd. - It was between 9:00 and 10:54 Central Time that I read the article. I know that from notes I made in a notebook or other matters.


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