Sunday, September 07, 2008

Free, Free At Last

Subj: Free, Free At Last


Just got back. Went to the Net. This popped up on Drudge; from Gallup/USA:

"In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote."

And I'll include this, since it's something you're so concerned about:

"McCain has narrowed Obama's wide advantage on handling the economy, by far the electorate's top issue. Before the GOP convention, Obama was favored by 19 points; now he's favored by 3."


"McCain leads Democrat Barack Obama by 50%-46% among registered voters..."

I'll mention again that the Gallup and Rasmussen tracking polls are of registered voters, not likely voters; so with those two polls, were they weighted for likely voters, McCain's lead would probably be similar. And in the weighting of those two polls, it's always assumed Democrats have far more enthusiasm and will turn out in proportionately greater numbers. That's probably not true anymore, so just by that factor McCain's lead is probably greater than stated.

Oil, unfortunately, has slightly spiked, probably because of Ike.

See you, --Mouse

Also, Sarah to give her first interview, to Charlie Gibson...In Alaska! This is splendid. She'll probably be in the Govenor's He'll have to address her: Govenor. That makes for some gravitas, and probably a focus on issues of state, rather than issues of family. And then she might do a second one in her home, where questions about family would be more appropriate; but again, in her home, Gibson would have to be respectful. It appears the McCain Camp is being very bright. She has suffered a lot of slime. This is a way of commanding respect. Plus, in her own enviornment she'll probably feel more in command.

And note MSNBC has dumped Olberman and Mathews, at least in terms of debate coverage. McCain and Sarah are already shaking things up.

And Jindal is getting rave reveiws for his handling of Prep for Humrican Gustav "I'd give him an A-plus," said Lt. Gov. Mitch Landrieu. --Unfortunately, it looks like Ike is going to give him another test in just days.

Good day, though.

And one note of the obvious, though it just now popped into my mind. One reason Palin is so automatically compared to Obama, rather than Biden, is because that's what everybody has been doing for a year! That is, comparing one woman, Hillary, against the Big O. This is an exact continuation of that mental and emotional habit, though this time, unfortunately for Obo, the woman he's being compared to, Palin, is the VP, not the Presidential, nominee. Is Obs qualified to be VP? Interesting.


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