Saturday, March 31, 2007

Nuth'n Hap'n

Spent hours tonight looking for news on what's happening on the Iran front. There just isn't much news. That's because there's not much hap'n. And not much discussion either, which is a surprise to me because I see this as the one big thing that is happening.

The best new thing is that the EU has made a demand:
The EU threatened to act against Iran last night if it did not immediately and unconditionally release the 15 British sailors and marines it has been holding for more than a week.
EU foreign ministers meeting in Bremen, Germany, threatened "appropriate measures" if Tehran did not let the group go....
Good as far as it goes. It's more than the Brits got out of the UN. It indicates that the EU feels a little more solidarity with Britain than say, does Russia. But it's not much. As I understand, Britain requested the EU cease commerce with Iran until the hostages were released. The EU is Iran's biggest trading partner. That is a step that would be effective. The EU declined and instead issued words. I take that to mean they really don't care, about hostages, I mean. Iran kidnaps people, that's just part of the price of doing business. Iran humiliates Britain, Iran humiliates the EU, showing to the world that they're toothless, and the EU doesn't care... This I find hard to understand.

Is it possible that Europe doesn't recognize it has been humiliated? Is it possible that Europe doesn't recognize that this humiliation is eventually going to result in more dead Europeans?

It is possible. These aren't really smart people, and sixty years of being protected by America has made them cowardly as well.

One might say they have "self-esteem" --they do certainly love the shape of their face-- but this is a self-love achieved at the expense of an immense mental gymnastic. They are in fact a fallen and small people, shamed in their dependence for defense on America, but they assuage that shame by the simple expedient of hating their protector. It works. They feel good, and very superior, and they know that America will continue to defend them nevertheless. But this isn't a gymnastic that creates a deep self-confidence, and they do fear them crazy Arabs... But what's to fear? Everybody knows there would be no hatred in the world if it were not for America. Love and Understanding and Accommodation and Peace. This they tell themselves, tell themselves and tell themselves. Such repetition has to be exhausting, and it blots out any possibility of anything like real thought. If they do happen to recognize, in little bits, now and then, that yes, the Arabs will kill them, they will die, it's always with the comforting thought: But it will be my neighbor first; and if that is not enough, then there's at least this: It will be a long while yet before it comes to that.

Don't bet on it.

But at the moment Britain has been humiliated. In as much as any attention is paid at all by an Englishman it's in concern for the lives of their sailors. How nice, how backwards. The first wound and the first danger is in the humiliation; the lives of the service personnel come second. That concern for their release can be a first demand, but their real first concern has to be that they have the force, that they have the resolve, to make it happen.

Poor Europe. They will go the way of Rhodesia and become Zimbabwe.


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