Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Perfect Term

I've been thinking of all the criticism I've heard over the use of the term "surge", and all the criticism I've heard that "Bush doesn't communicate". As I remember "surge" was first used in the ISP report (the Baker/Hamilton Surrender Group Report) and it's been used by everybody since, except, I think, by Bush; at least I don't specifically remember him using the term.

It doesn't matter. The reason that the term is used is because it perfectly expresses the national mindset, which is that we've been defeated in Iraq, the effort isn't worth the candle, and the only decent thing to do is get out; and that any "last attempt" to win is just that, a "last chance", doomed to failure but allowed, as a sort of "fair play", because after all there is a certain subset of delusional Americans who not only think we can win but think that morally we're obligated to win. These people as well as being delusional are disgusting, but they do exist and they would put up a howl if we just up and quit. So we give them their last chance --a surge, a crest, a rapid diminution-- and then we can withdraw, and say: "See how many additional unnecessary deaths you caused, you war monger; you certainly are vile."

This is the entire reason for the use of the term "surge". The result is already known and it's contained within the necessary dissipation inherent to the concept, but it's the last failure we need before we're justified in pulling out. We give it our last shot, there are so many more deaths, but at least now it's clear whom to blame --they should be ashamed-- but now we can get out and it will not be defeat but statesmanship.

This nation just doesn't want to hear about war, about conflict, about struggle. It just doesn't want this easy life to be unpleasant. It just doesn't want to hear.

And this is the whole reason "Bush can't communicate", can't give a solid rational for why we're there. I find his speeches solid, I find his speeches convincing, I find his speeches brilliant. But he can't "communicate"... because nobody likes what he says. And won't hear what he says.


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