Thursday, March 22, 2007

To Everything Its Season

Lots more reading on the flap last night. Lot of feistiness out there. If there's going to be a fight now's the time. Lots of stink. The Democrats are trying to turn the firing of the US Attorneys into Abu Ghraib. That's unreal. If there's a fight, they lose, because the fantasy goes poof. Oppositely, If there's not a fight the fantasy becomes real, the offense becomes impeachable. That's the way fantasy works.

I think there will be a fight. I don't see how George Bush can not fight. Absolutely everybody in America knows what these subpoenas are all about; the target is Rove, from Rove to Bush. And everybody also knows that if they can get Libby they can get Rove. Whatever the solemnities and pieties that might be expressed, "If he has nothing to hide why's he afraid to testify?" everybody in fact knows this is a perjury trap. It's known, it's recognized... So state it. "The Democrats don't want to get to the bottom of this, they want to destroy this Presidency." If Bush stated that it would be powerful, because absolutely everybody knows it's true.

The way to face an enemy is to name him. This has to be the first part of the fight. Bush has to state their nature exactly. That forms the battle ground, and Bush then occupies the high-ground: Americans don't want to see their President destroyed. It's un-American... It is un-American, it's the Democrat party.

The Afghanis got tired of the Taliban, I'm tired of the Dems. It would just be good sport to have a rumble.


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