Monday, November 06, 2006

The Serious Consideration of Silliness

My oh my, personal problems on top of the Fate of the World... or is it... The Fate of the World on top of Personal Problems? I do get truly confused as to which modifies what, but I do know this: that Happiness will only come if we have An Accurate Count! And the only way there can not be Happiness is if We Do NOT Have An Accurate Count! --Man on man, the fate of the world on top of all my personal problems and it all comes down to whether or not the Republicans will cheat.

Rather strange world view, to my way of thinking. But then, if Bush is a liar the Republicans will cheat... as "night follows day", as the saying goes... I wonder if Nancy recognizes if there's any other issue in the world other than if she gets to pick the new drapes or not?

I think I will devote this particular day, just before our midterm elections determine the world's fate, to a muse meander on pathology. I'll just generally and lightly think about Democrats.

I see insanity when I consider the left, and since I see it, it's there, either in them or in me.

We can start with Nancy's statement: "That is the only variable in this. Will we have an honest count?'' To my mind this is boggling. It presumes the election is in the bag... This is America, no one ever presumes an election is in the bag. A free people can freely change their minds, and it seems like bad politics to imply otherwise. It seems like the same thing as saying: If we don't get our way we're going to riot. That seems very "leftish" to me, it doesn't sound very American.

Is it possible she actually believes Republicans will actually cheat? It would have to be very massive if it were only cheating that changed the present polls.

A lot of conservatives use the term "projection" when speaking of Democrats. The say the term means: You accuse your opponent of doing what you would do yourself. I personally don't like the term. It sounds like something you would say if you've been reading a book written by a psychologist, and that in itself I consider unwholesome; and the definition almost seems to suggest self awareness, as if they're cognitive and conscious and know what they're doing. I think that presumes way too much, so I'm just going with this for my formulation: that's just the way they think. And it's the only way they can think.

It's a little bit like hard wiring, the circuits can only run in a certain way. You give them a little prick and there can be only one response... again and again, exactly in every case the same response repeated. I would say that the extent to which this particular wiring allows the development of sophisticated intellectual, moral, and spiritual depth is properly summed up and expressed thusly: Bush bad, me good.

So, having fully and fairly plumed the depths of the liberal soul and intellect, what does it all mean?


Absolutely nothing good can come out of the mind of a liberal.

...To be continued. Right now I have to face one of my personal problems. I only got four hours sleep last night and have got to take a nap.


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