Wednesday, November 08, 2006


The only way we can pretend this is not bad is if we pretend it's not hideous. We've lost the judiciary, we've lost Iraq. That's pretty good work for one night.

A few things:
--It wasn't America that made this decision, it was about half of America plus a few hundred thousand.
--It was not Democrats who achieved this victory, it was major media. I didn't think they still had that power. They do. They still shape the way slightly over half of America thinks.
--The Democrats do not have to govern over the next two years, and won't. Nobody will notice. We've started on the two year run to the Democrat White House and that's the only thing MSM will report. There will not be any Democrat failures, just weaseling and dodging by the White House as they try to escape their just deserts for having gotten us into this mess.
--The economy will remain fine and the Iraqis will be on their own. I put these two together because they'll both be ignored. The Democrats don't really care about either. In just two years they really can't hurt the economy, and they don't really care if our troops are in Iraq or not...

...This last is very interesting. I rather expect they'll now become more chary of calling for withdrawal since now they supposedly have influence. Withdrawal would mean defeat...

This is interesting. I rather expect the tone of criticism will change. Now that they have some power they have some responsibility.

Which brings up my last point: There's always politics. Now that they have some power they're much weaker. Their only strength was criticism. It might be possible now with some adroit care to suggest that in criticism they are criticizing themselves...?

I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks.


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