Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Know Who's Side I'm On

My, these Obama types sure can get angry. And turn on a dime, never mind this business of friendship or respect. But I guess that's the nature of conversion, you leave your past behind.

Think I'll type out a note from last night:
Woods walk fast. Was losing the light again. I simply have got to start getting out earlier but it's hard to get out early when night time comes in the middle of the afternoon.

Did see the big beaver mama. That was kind of interesting. I was on the North river slowly moving north, right on the shore line --and she came swimming past me from behind and maybe just fifteen feet out. A few feet farther, she turned, seemed to inspect me, and then went swimming pell-mell back and out of sight. I don't speak beaver and so wasn't able to inquire as to her thoughts, and she may not have spoken anyway, but it sure did seem that she swam to overtake me for some reason of beaver consideration and then, satisfied, rapidly swam a very long way back.

I also noticed there are no Robins. For a month now I've been seeing dense numbers in varying small sections of wood, maybe a couple of hundred in a mere twenty yard radius. At first I thought it was a flock working its way south --but then I continued to see them here and there day after day. They sure were being leisurely in their migration. Then it occurred to me what I was seeing was a succession of flocks, each serially passing through. This would be consistent with my seeing them in tight but varying areas. Whatever, the last flock now seems through. That probably happened Saturday, our first snow, and the day I saw the eagle so agitated.

--I believe anger should be amused, and rage should be light. Like a knife. It makes no sense to bombard an enemy with noise, they cover their ears. There has to be a target, there has to be precision, there has to be penetration. I'm thinking primarily of writing. Person to person it might be useful to bite off their nose.

I'm not certain just what it is we face but I know I've never seen anything like it before. It's not merely the right against the left. It is that of course, but it's also the right against the left with the left on some sort of religious steroid. There has to be some technique of personal battle, though I don't know yet quite what that might be. I content myself so far with saying: I know who's side I'm on. --But there might be one technique in the battle that shouldn't be overlooked: battle. Your friends might not find righteousness so much fun if you let them know you might punch their lights out.

Something just occurred to me and this is encouraging. What if this worship crap is just an affectation, an excuse, like being drunk is an excuse, for a bastard to be a bastard? I certainly have had violent arguments in the past --I'm not shy about a certain amount of heat-- the difference now is the hair trigger. Any slight, and --Bam!-- I'm hit with the wrath of the righteous. It's so sudden it sort of takes the air out of the lungs --and it is oddly, insensitively nasty. But these are the same people --the same kind of people and sometimes the same people-- who would fight with me in the past. It's just that in the past they seemed to feel some need to defend their position, and if that proved difficult, fell back on hatred, toward Bush, towards Cheney-- but it was not hatred toward me! This seems the real difference: Bambi says it's okay to hate your friends!

This is interesting. I think I have discovered something.

Mark Steyn:
Unlike those excitable countries where the peasants overrun the presidential palace, settled democratic societies rarely vote to “go left.” Yet oddly enough that's where they've all gone....

I disagree with my fellow conservatives who think the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Frank liberal behemoth will so obviously screw up that they'll be routed in two or four years' time. The President-elect's so-called “tax cut” will absolve 48 percent of Americans from paying any federal income tax at all, while those that are left will pay more. Just under half the population will be, as Daniel Henninger pointed out in the Wall Street Journal, on the dole. By 2012, it will be more than half, and this will be an electorate where the majority of the electorate will be able to vote itself more lollipops from the minority of their compatriots still dumb enough to prioritize self-reliance, dynamism, and innovation over the sedating cocoon of the nanny state. That is the death of the American idea

A bit pessimistic for such a funny guy. He suggests that in 2012 we ought to at least have an American running against Barry --somebody a not-McCain-- somebody who advocates economic dynamism, self-reliance, individual liberty, The first Amendment, the Second Amendment.... That way we could at least chose: Give me Liberty or Give me...my Nanny.

The greatest part of insight on emotional matters is just being able to finally recognize the obvious.


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