Sunday, August 17, 2008

Parthian Thrust

Been thinking about the Georgia imbroglio enough now to have a plausible scenario as to what happened. It requires that I presume Shaakasveli brilliant.

I presume that the high order of Shaakasvelian brilliance was such that he recognized Russia was bigger than Georgia. He knew Russia was massing troops, and since he wasn't living on a turnip truck he knew that the purpose was to invade.

What to do? Stand there and take it on the chin, or maybe try your own plan? He tried his own plan, which was to tap the old bear on the snout.

Dumb old bear, he charged.

Apparently as few as 2,000 Georgian troops put up a fight at Tskhinveli, they did it on their own clock. This upset the Russian time table, possibly for as little as a few hours, but at least enough to sow confusion. And then within hours they killed the commanding general. They had to have had that guy marked all along.

The enraged bear now brainless, the Georgians poked him more, and with the beast behind, they then in good order retreated toward Tibilsi --never that far in front of the bear! so that the beast would follow.

They passed through Gori, the beast followed, and Shaakasveli trumpeted to the world: The Soviet Hun Despoils Our Country!

Good message. You see, the Georgians had made a thrust, and the enraged and decephalate bear had followed into a trap, and the trap was world condemnation.

Pretty darn smart. And while the Huns ravaged the land, the Georgian army, functionally unscathed, retreated to their citadel, the easily defended Tbilisi... Actually, 2,000 Georgians retreated to Tbilisi, the others already there, dug in, and waiting.

And the bear snuffled about, looking really quite foolish.

Add to this that our President has declared he would send humanitarian aid by air, and Tbilisi has air superiority over the Russians, because nobody can complain that humanitarian aid is being sent, but of course the US would not send in aid without air escort. And there are humanitarian workers there now, and national leaders, and today Angela Merkel of Germany. Russia can not fly its planes, it would be a clear act of aggression against humanitarians and nations. One General referred to our airlift as "a continuous air bridge."

So Georgia is sitting pretty, the bear is a boob, and the world gathers against it. To speak in the voice of Shaakasveli: Just twist a bear's snout, and you can lead him to defeat.

----------May expand this later, and correct the spelling.


Wrote this note to a friend:

Dear K,

When I got home last night I wrote a brief blog entry but was too tired to do an email, so I'm just going to send the entry. I'm as delighted with this invasion as I was the day the Russians went into Afghanistan, because I knew then they would be defeated, and I know now they will be defeated in Georgia. The present American technological power vis a vis Russia is like a man with a baseball bat facing a rabbit, all we need is an excuse to fire. It probably won't come to that, but I would sure love to see some of their planes try to intercept our airlift.


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