Saturday, August 02, 2008

Walks Are Wonderful

Went out for my walk today, partly for muse, partly to loosen my sore butt muscle, and had an insight. As with most insights, once visible, this one is obvious; but it is new.

Insight: I've been wondering why people such as Josh Marshal have become so tedious to read, always seeing racism in the McCain campaign? That Republicans will be smeared as being racist I understand, it's a tactic, you know it's coming. But always? Well, yes, and always and only, and that's my insight: I finally understand why:

The only reason Josh Marshal supports Barack is because Barack is black. Josh Marshal lives in his world and critiques from his world and sees no world but his own. He totally and utterly and to the center and core of his bones is racist; he sees nothing but race. All support is racial, all criticism is racist. So this is not a tactic, this is what he is.

And so, I might add, are all those who support the extraordinarily unaccomplished fawn of the meadow. Except, of course, for just those few who actually would just like to vote Democrat. Unfortunately though, they're stuck with Twit, the wood-for-brain puppet from Cook. Poor Demos. This year they vote for Howdy Doody and big ears and a grin.

I predict! (I like to predict) I predict!!! That after the convention --presuming it is the sweet fawn that is nominated-- when there is no longer even a dream that there might be an alternative, there then will be one. In droves, disappointed Democrats will move to McCain. Only the racists will stay true to The One... and some few poor party faithful who just can't help themselves. Oh, unhappy the soul of the Democrat. This just isn't their year.

High oil futures are due to evil speculators.


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