Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sob Sob the Brave 29

Grief is for parents, but the whole nation seems in sob sob mode just now. "Tsk tsk, isn't it terrible, a terrible tragedy, my how we all suffer. Tsk tsk. This will make it all tsk tsk better. Sob."

It's all fake.

There's only one meaningful emotion toward massacre and that's rage. Rage first at the killer, no one can express enough venom towards that cheap soil of human life; and then rage of another sort, at the 29 cowards at Norris Hall who allowed themselves --and everyone around them!-- to be slaughtered like dumb animals in a pen. These are young people for whom parents might properly grieve, but that should not be the business of the nation. The nation should ask: Why were there 29 such cowards?

There was one brave man out of the entire lot, Prof. Liviu Librescu, an Israeli. He blocked the door to the gunman with his body, and is credited with saving the lives of all the others --who let him there to die!

What marvelous college boys and girls our nation can produce.

So one poor dead courageous Israeli. Were there not five American men in that entire hall who could not have rushed that gunman all at once? For an absolute certainty, had there been five such men the shooting would have stopped right then, hopefully the gun turned on the gunman and that man dead. But there were not five such men. They were children, they hid under desks.

But the poor children are dead so now I must grieve. Sob. Sob sob... Say! That felt good! Sob sob sob sob sob. My, so much better! Sob sob sob. There, I've done my duty I've expressed my grief the nation morns I feel so much better, and now I can go do my other stuff until the next pen of animals is slaughtered. Sob sob sob. Who cares that the nation expects no courage from its citizens?

3:02 AM
This is immensely encouraging. A whole school district training their students to fight back.
Students Trained to Fight School Shooters

(Oct. 18) - The Independent School District of Burleson,Texas, just south of Ft. Worth is the first in the country to adopt a policy of training students to immediately fight back and use their advantage in numbers to take tactical control if a gunman enters their classroom.

"If you have got 15 sixth, seventh and eighth graders, they can be an incredibly effective weapon," Browne said....

Burleson has 14 schools and 8500 students and the independent school district hopes to have every student trained to respond to a gunman by the end of 2007....
"I think the policy is really smart, it is just like 9/11 when they were on the plane," said high school senior Terry Lucas.

The students are instructed to respond the instant they see a threat. "It doesn't give the guy any time to try to collect his thoughts, you just storm him and start hitting him with stuff," said one student.... So far parents, teachers and students support Burleson's take charge policy. But outside of Burleson, Texas safety experts are appalled at the notion of students being trained to storm a person with a weapon....

"Rushing a gunman with scissors or staplers or a book might cause a gunman to shoot that person on the spot," he said....

Browne concedes that his program of fighting back carries risk. He admits that the first student to swarm an attacker may pay with his or her life. However, he believes the risk may be worth it to save other lives.

"He won't be able to shoot the fourth, fifth, eighth, twentieth or thirtieth student," he said.
This warms the cockles of my heart. I'm encouraged. I'm not so angry now.


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