Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Britsy Boys, By George

Aren't they just adorable, sitting there all lined up for their "news conference", wearing those cute new costumes? These little muppets are darn near unbelievable. They have fully movable joints. You can sit them where ever you want, and they will sit. You can stand them, you can walk them, they can assume any position, and do, and if you pull a string they'll talk. And anybody can pull the string. This makes them international. Everybody loves the Britsy Boy, everybody wants to have a Britsy Boy to play with.

They come in assorted types, by the costume, I mean. Some call these assortments, "military", though I admit the concept is too obscure for consideration just at the moment. But they sure are cute and they're fully malleable and they do look darn near like real men.

As I understand they come from a place called The Kingdom of Little Squat, (or it might be called The Commonwealth of Bitsy Britsy , I'm not sure; it's something like an island). And it is a Kingdom, or was, and this Kingdom also has a Queendom, and the Queendom has a Navie, and this "navy" consists of boats-that-float. If you happen to be a member of The Queen's Royal Boats-That-Float, then you get to dress up; and you get to carry toy guns that don't shoot, and sometimes you get to play with toy armaments, big ones, on boats-that-float... but don't shoot. And you sip tea from tiny cups.

That's about all I know about the little navy from the little kingdom from the little island of little men from somewhere in the great, too-big-for-thee, sea. Somewhere "over there"... I have no idea who buys the make-up.


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