Thursday, January 19, 2006

No News Is BIG News

The extraordinary news so far this week is No News Alito. I find this stunning.

Today the Supreme Court passed on the New Hampshire parental notification law, kicking it back down to the lower court. I expect they did that because if they had heard the case the result would have been an evenly divided court and so the decision would have been "illegitimate" however it went because the swing vote would have been O'Connor and she's no longer properly a justice in that she'll be replaced in two weeks.

This is a swing vote case and the swing vote is Alito. What a beautiful opportunity for the left: In Sam Alito's America Young Women Will Be Beaten By Their Fathers. Should be the headline in every paper... Not a thing.

My on my how the left has withered.

I continue to believe that's because they're the only group ever --certainly in my lifetime-- who've come to explain the order of nature by demonology: And Bush spoke, and the Rains came and the Winds swirled and Lo, there was Katrina. And Gitmo and Torture and Spying and Lying. And the Demon did it all.

But as I've noted, there's a self-limiting psychology to demonology: Since a Demon explains all things you can only have one demon at a time. We are after all a monotheistic society; one God, one Demon, take your pick. I suppose you could have both at once (I doubt it), but you definitely can't have two of one at the same time. One Demon, that's it.

The problem is, when it comes to the Supreme Court, the only way a minority can defeat an otherwise qualified nominee is by establishing that he's a demon; but by the one demon rule you can't do that when you've got Bush not Bork. (Bork anyway was pre demonology-as-theism).

There is one other thing, the fatigue aspect. Demonization, since it is irrational, does require repetition: Abu Gharib, Abu Gharib, Abu Gharib, Abu Gharib, sense conflated with assertion until panties over the head becomes torture. The same would have to be done to Alito and it is this kind of thing that I think Americans have come to find tiring, for the simple reason that it is.

--Just checked ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Drudge. Not one word on Sam. I do see that the National Enquirer reports that Senator Ted Kennedy had a love child shortly after Chapauquidick. My how the world is upside-topsy.

I do believe this is a watershed week for our present politics. I just find it hard to believe that the Democrats are going out with hardly a whimper. At some point they've at least got to be offensive.

(One note: I have heard it argued that Justice Kennedy may become the new swing vote, the argument being that there's a great appeal in power and so the unoccupied fulcrum is tempting).


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