Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Insanity Happens

I believe there is such a thing as insanity.

When I left here for my "weekend" I left for four days. Thursday I got about a half hour's news, Friday an hour with Brett Hume, Saturday and Sunday nothing. Monday I went to the net to get caught up, first to Drudge, then Fox. Where was Sam? By golly I thought I'd been gone four days but I'd slept four years. He was no where. Clearly he hadn't made it, somebody else was on the court, and I probably didn't even own my own home any more. I read other stuff, then in the evening I saw it, the headline: Committee Delays Vote Until the 24th.

Well, it was good to find I hadn't slept four years, I had been feeling a little disoriented. But where was the headline: Alito Aborts Coke Bottle. That, or something similar had to be somewhere, I'd been expecting it all day. They had to have something on this guy by now (never mind if it was true or not). But nothing. All I saw was a one week delay, something automatic within Senate rules even if requested by only one senator...

So who's nuts?

The thing is, we'd been expecting a big fight. With Roberts (a stealth nominee, by-the-way, who had no judicial paper trail, having been a judge only two years and never having made a conservative public statement in his entire life) with Roberts we had the threat of filibuster, the threat of nuclear option, the gang of 14 taking central power and talking about "extraordinary circumstances..." A pretty hairy time, and this to replace a mild conservative with a mild conservative.

Then we had Harriet, the ultimate under-the-radar stealth candidate --with no experience whatsoever-- and so presumeably confirmable because a unknown. After a conservative uproar we did get Alito, and then there was going to be a Big Fight. The Swing Vote! No conservative could be allowed to replace Sandra Day, it would upset the balance of the court...

What did we get? If you don't follow the blogs that follow this sort of thing there was hardly enough to keep you awake. To be exciting there has to be threat, you have to fear your guy is gong to lose. It just never happened.

So what is it the Dems have up their sleeves?

Whatever, I just do not see it and this induces disorientation. It brings up the concept of insanity. Who's insane?

I hear it said: The Democrats knew all along they couldn't block Alito, they were just going through the motions to appease their kook nut base, their money source.

I don't believe that for a moment. If they lose the court they lose they're liberal agenda. This is a big fight, this is a battle of immense importance... And there's been no battle. And it's not that they need merit or "ammunition" to win their kind of battle, they just need power...

And so I return to my basic concept. I believe there is such a thing as insanity, and in this case I mean a particular kind of mass delusional hysteria, which is the idea that the Democrats do have power, that they are this country's rule and law, and that they must merely assert their righteous will and the public will follow...

The public didn't follow.

What I think we may be witnessing is the unexpected decompression of this delusion. They have asserted their will, the public has not followed and seeing that it occurs to certain queasy Republicans that it may be acceptable that they not follow either, and you know what happens when the bubble no longer encases the mind...? People suddenly see that the Dems, at best, only have 44 votes, and that's not 51.

I'm thinking this may be what's happened. It's happened probably because the media is out to lunch and nobody much cares anymore what they report. They fuss and the Democrats fuss but the public has placed them all together in the quiet room and hopes they'll get better and wishes them well. And so finally it's recognized that the Democrats are no longer the ruling party.

It's taken awhile, but I see a new national gestalt: The Democrats no longer rule the world.

We'll know in two weeks. If Alito is confirmed as passively as now seems probable the Democrats are no longer philosopher kings, they're a mere opposition minority.


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