Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ho Hum & the State of the Union

Didn't take notes, just listened.

First impression, before he started to speak: Did he look relaxed! Always his manner is smiling and confident, but always with tension too, visible in sweat and flesh. Not tonight. He looked like a man getting up to address the local Kawanis. If this was a big speech, make-or-break, somebody forgot to tell him. I've always been struck by the discipline by which he carries himself in good humor, but this was the first time ever that it looked like he was standing outside in the sun and the breeze and enjoying the fine day.

Do I make too much of this impression?

I don't think so. domestically it was a small speech. No revamping of Social Security this time, just a "bipartisan commission". It seems to me there were a number of commissions...? And tax cuts made permanent, and renewal of the Patriot act, and some new funds for this and that research and a general statement about immigration, its value but also the necessity of controlling the border. He commented on the ethics mess in the congress and complimented them on their efforts to clean up their mess. All-in-all it was domestic politics just as we presently have domestic politics and the struggle from this day forth will be exactly the struggle we've had up to now. He put in his oar but created no new direction. So, ho hum.

He did mention "clean, safe nuclear energy" which I enjoyed; and the Democrats stepped in it when they cheered his statement that "Social Security reform was defeated last year" and he responded "...and the problem hasn't gone away." It's so stupid for Democrats to cheer a statement that reform was defeated. From time to time Democrats are fun.

Foreign policy was solid as it always is. The statement that Hamas must renounce violence, disarm, and recognize Israel's right to exist was powerful given the forum; as was his statement of respect for the Iranian people and his call that they create a democratic government.

There were some good lines, none of which I will remember accurately: "Hindsight is not policy and withdrawal is not honor..." something like that. And of Alito: "A servant of the law, not a legislator." I'll get the qoutes accurately once I read the text.

And saw Tom Kaine for the first time. What a wuss. Not offensive, just a wuss.

And listened to the MSM for a while in sour bellyache, this and that. My oh my, have they lemon on the lips.

A useful speech. It's good to have one of these once a year.

Quotes, corrected:

"There is no peace in retreat and there is no honor in retreat."

"Hindsight is not wisdom and second-guessing is not a strategy."

"...judges must be servants of the law, and not legislate from the bench."


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