Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Alito Is In: Reid Is An Idiot

This just from Fox:

WASHINGTON — Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid called on President Bush Tuesday to "come clean" in next week's State of the Union speech and acknowledge "the costs of Republican corruption."

"In his 2000 campaign, George Bush promised to bring 'dignity' to the White House but we've since found that he brought Jack Abramoff instead....President Bush needs to quit stonewalling about his White House's connection to corruption, and finally tell us how he's going to reform Washington,"
I can't believe he's so stupid and I can't believe I was so worried. The only possibility the Democrats had of beating Alito was to demonize him in the public perception and so justify a filibuster and shake loose some Republicans. That meant demonization had to be their singleminded focus. I had thought Bush would counter that by simply by speaking out...on anything, just to distract the Democrats. But Harry Reid is doing that for him. Harry Reid has made Bush the focus, Alito is in.

I think I suffer from bad memories and my own misperception, the idea that Democrats are clever. They're dumb as stumps.

So it's over except for the nastiness. I'm not going to worry about it more.


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