Saturday, January 05, 2008

Dead People

Amazing how dead the Clintons seem now. Old, stupid, foolish people.

I've thought all along that if Barack could beat Hill in Iowa her candidacy would collapse, because there's nothing there, and I've thought all along that if that happened a lot of people would turn on the Clintons because they're are a lot of people --Democrats-- who really don't like those two but are afraid of them.

Now, I didn't know that Barack could win, I don't know that he can win in New Hampshire, though I expect it. I do know, that after New Hampshire, if he does win, comes the collapse; a lot of people are going to take pleasure in getting their licks in.

But it's only this morning that Bill and Hill have struck me as being old people.

I think part of the reason is that I see it as one and the same with the conservative intellectual establishment. These are people I follow and who have really disappointed me. But they are so thin. They're tired, they're old, they're arid. They're the Cold Warriors, who's faith in the free market destroyed communism. Very good, very laudable, a purple heart and a gold star. But the problem is, it is a faith. It's what they believe in, it's all they believe in, and as a faith it's merely the opposite image of Marxism, but just as thin. Their faith is true, and it can't be abandoned, but it's just not very much to live by.

But the image of this change is the two old people of the faded Democrat dynasty: Bill, with the flaccid, self-indulgent flesh, and Hill, with her make-up pasted face, trying to be twenty.


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