Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hill's Dead, What About the Duck?

So, Hillary's dead, it's The Changing of the Gestalt. It's okay now to not vote for Hill. You can do that and still be a good person, Oprah says so. But what about Mitt, my other Most Unfavorite Guy? There's no gestalt here. This is just an ambitious man with deep pockets and a very long term plan to gain the White House. It would be pleasing to see this man defeated in the very first contest.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but if he is defeated it's something with accident written all over it. Who would ever have thought that out of nowhere would arise a man --Eight Buck Huck-- who with little more than charm would stand poised to defeat --a guy in business. A Christian defeating a rich guy! Now if that don't take the cake. Like, Christians got something to do with America or something. America, let me state, lest anyone get the wrong idea, is all hotshot PowerPoint and the Golden Parachute. It is Consultants who make America great.

The whole race is very strange. Here you have a man with a heart defeating someone with a head... so they say, though I don't believe I've ever yet heard the duck say anything he hadn't memorized. But he has to be smart. He's bought National Review. That's easy of course, but it's smart. And he's bought a lot of votes. For fifty-million he's got maybe two-thirds as many votes as Huck's got, which cost him eight bucks and a few adds. That's cost/benefit. Sure would be nice to have a brilliant man like that in the White House to do the same for America.

But he did buy National Review. That's smart. It's like buying a swamp for timber, but it's smart. I don't know what he paid. Probably just a few pictures of his stunningly handsome presidential face. K. Lo gets gooey over stuff like that.

So we have Huck, a man, supported by people; and Mitt, plastic, supported by NR. Who's going to win?

That's hard to know. All I know is that the more the public gets to know the better. On the one hand you have a man, on the other you have plastic. A man you can get to know, warts and all, because he is a man. Plastic, though, you can't come to know, because though perfectly formed without warts, there's no blood, and no heart (and probably, my opinion, no brain).

Fred? Fred is good. Fred is the real deal. Fred now is supposedly going to campaign hard in Iowa. Good, I guess, but from where is he going to take his votes?

There's some fear they'll come from Huckabee, which could have the effect of giving Romney a low numbers win. That would be very annoying, though as I've said, I don't believe Mitt will get the "standard" bounce because his two year campaign to buy one state has been so visible. He'll have paid a lot for that one state but I just don't think Florida is going to be particularly impressed that he could buy Iowa.

Still, I would prefer that his millions bought defeat and I just hope Fred doesn't give him victory. A positive note as I see it is that it seems to me that Fred is the natural second choice to those who support Rudy or McCain. Anybody at this late date supporting either of those two is simply withholding commitment and waiting. They can't support Mitt because they don't trust him, they can't support Huck because he's Christian.

But Fred's perfect. He doesn't even go to church! So no embarrassment there, and he is very very smart, so there would be some sophisticated status in supporting somebody bright just like yourself. The downside is that Fred is a true conservative, in every respect... But hey, when you're a Republican sometimes you just have to put up with that.


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