Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Pope No More

Read Wretchard and it stimulated some thought. He's writing about Hill & Bill. I didn't know he did US domestic presidential politics. But he suggests the concept: "Hillary has already been vetted" carries a threat of disclosures to come regarding Obama.

Not going to happen. The limbs twitch even after the brain is dead; in Bill's case it's the tongue that twitters. It's true that in the way we were years ago the lie was not an attempt to deceive but a position statement. This recognition was Bill's genius, to see that when the Pope spoke the believers rushed to say amen. And this is how he governed. But he is no longer Pope and too many now recognize Hill can't be Bill. Camelot is over --the odd Camelot of Clinton-- and mere pronouncement is no longer reality.

The skeptic reigns: "You have something on Obama? Show your cards." Can't be done. There is no such card, there is no ace, and the media is no longer going to make a two and a three a Full House. History has passed Bill by. There's nothing more dead than an old flame.

Note: Bill didn't inhale. Obama's "That's the point" misses the point. Bill did have genius. It was that of manipulation. Do you think he ever would have stoned his mind and even for a moment lost that gift? You can't maintain a vastness of aspiration if you even for a moment meld to the disordered consciousness of a group. Once no more than the group, then always possibly, "No more than them." To be vast is to be separate. To inhale would have been to be the same. The very concept is offensive, the possibility a spiking fear to the gut. It wouldn't happen to a man who would be great. Bill didn't inhale.

The great gift of being so purely separate is that leadership then becomes not simply capacity but pronouncement. The separate is superior, and unsullied knows truth. State it, it is true. And this Bill did, and the media knew it was true because stated by their Pope. But he is Pope no more. Fickle and faithless the press follows no more. And this is a new truth that Bill just don't get.


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