Sunday, October 01, 2006

To Take It From Another Angle

To take it from another angle. I'm a Democrat. It's 37 days from election time. The polls are good and Iraq is wrong and we can't win. These are the really big things; plus Bush is a dunce and evil and nobody could possibly vote for him, --unless they were dumb and evil as well. This fairly describes the Democrat base. They've got to be feeling pretty good. And good will triumph over evil.

There are annoying things. Bush's approval ratings have gone up to the low forties... That just means there are a lot of dumb evil people in the world. Gas prices have gone down. That's bad, but minor. There have been no hurricanes... Inexplicable, but hey, there's a month left yet. The economy isn't as bad as it could be, but it is bad (this is an article of faith). And some Democrats have caved on the Detainee Detention Bill and the Secure Fences Act, disrupting purity, but still, this is minor. The only really big thing is Iraq and it's wrong and it's George Bush's fault and so we're going to win in November.

This is my understanding of the mind-set of the left. That's a large group, maybe 20% of the voting public, but it will be 100% of the national message, in as much as there is such a message. There just isn't anything else that really matters. (Whether this pederast story will develop I don't know, I haven't at all followed it.)

I do find it striking that in a nation so large and complex as ours it all comes down to the perfidy of George Bush, that there is no other debate, that everything else just comes and goes...

(If it does turn out that Hastert knew about the pederast and did nothing that will hurt because that's leadership and that means Republicans in general. It could be a really big thing, throwing everything else topsy-turvy. It would be the Catholic Bishops all over again. It will be as big as Abu Ghraib, though justified this time because leadership knew and should have done something and didn't. If this is true Dennys got to go, bingo! or the whole party will go down with him. --It's only just now at this moment that I've had this thought, and that without reading a single article though I have read a half dozen headlines. I haven't read them simply because the whole topic is yucky. But if it is true that Hastert knew and did nothing I think Bush has to call for his resignation tomorrow... Man, I wonder if this is a real perception on my part or if it's just late and I'm not functioning very well...

This isn't what I initially meant when I started this post: To Take It From Another Angle.

Looks like Rep. Thomas Reynolds, New York, is the one scheduled to take the hit. But that's one more down, two in this scandal, and a lot of bad press. Evangelicals don't like this sort of thing and if they don't vote we're screwed.

I think his seat is otherwise solid, at least I don't see him on the RCP list of threatened Republicans.

Will read more about this tomorrow. The House is in crisis mode. They know this could be big. I'm the only one slow to catch on.


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