Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Resign, Now!

Let's see. 2 1/2 days since I first became aware of the Foley flap. First concern was that it would keep the Evangelicals away from the polls and hurt Republicans. Slept. Next day became enraged that Republicans were dumping on a man who was possibly a very good man who simply had the misfortune of having his private sexual conversation made public. Today I've only read on the matter possibly 20 minutes and am stunned by Republican stupidity. It seems wide spread but I refer specifically to the Washington Times editorial calling for Hastert's resignation. This is presumably Tony Blankley's work. I immensely admire Tony Blankley. He's been drinking stupid juice.

In this entire 2 1/2 days I have not spent 10 seconds being concerned about the "children". In fact "concern for the children" would never have entered my consciousness if I hadn't heard it mentioned so often. That's stupid juice talking.

I still argue that the only man wronged in this affair is Rep Mark Foley, who was merely being normal and private within his legally protected status.

The people arguing that his conduct was abhorrent and that he should therefore be somehow punished are themselves criminal, --or are at least arguing outside of the law.

What these Republicans find abhorrent is not Foley's action, which within his status are unremarkable, but homosexuality. If they were honest and non stupid they would recognize that and say that.

My side is stupid and dishonest. The immorality (and possible illegality) in this affair has been committed by those who made public what was meant to be private.

I'll repeat a third time: My side is being stupid, dishonest, and dishonorable. If you don't like queers for God's sake say so, and don't give me any of this nonsense that you think they're normal.

And it wouldn't hurt to remember that it hasn't even yet been authenticated that these things came in this form from Foley. To take disclosure at face value, whatever the probability, indicates infantile intellectual development.

My God does my side stink. The only decent thing they can do is resign.

I'll miss you Tony, you're a good writer.

(And there I go myself. I don't actually know that Tony wrote the editorial (or even knew about it or agreed with it) in the paper of which he's the editor)

Just read this:

From David Roth, Foley's attorney. (The "trauma" referenced is an asserted childhood molestation by a priest. The important sentence is the second one:)

"Mark sustained trauma as a young adolescent," Roth said. He "attributes this to his inappropriate IMs and text messages, but does not make any excuses for them."

This seems like authentication.

(7:56 PM)


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