Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Upbeat War

Israel may be at war now with the Palistinians and Lebanon. I mean formally. That could lead to war with Syria. That would be good. It would destroy a state that is a haven for terrorists infiltrating into Iraq; and it would destroy the military power that supports Hezbollah. Hezbollah corrupts Lebanon. With Syria destroyed Hezbollah would be eliminated and Lebanon could become a decent state, and Israel would have peace on it's northern border. And Hamas, without Hezbollah, would be isolated and weakened. That would be positive. And destroying Hezbollah would damage Tehran's influence, and Tehran, with it's developing nuclear threat and nut leader is beginning to make a lot of people nervous --the EU, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia-- they're all beginning to think it might be a good idea to let the Jews do some of their fighting for them. As evidence that this is their present feeling there's been a lot less than the normal amount of unfair criticism aimed at Israel for acting like any other normal state would under assault --But this is very early yet. Who knows? --Nothing really can be done with Gaza.

I wrote this as part of an email last night but have decided to make it a post. I've felt for a long long time that peace in the Middle East --at least a relative peace-- could come only through war...but it would have to be a real war, where the parties fought until one was clearly beaten. A clearly beaten foe can accept a peace. Israel can whip the entire Arab world...if they were just given the opportunity to do it, if the UN and the West would just lay off, would stop their nutty support for Islamofacist nuts. It's possible that's happening now. It's possible that a great many who have so long so severely condemed Israel as an oppressor might now recognize Israel as justified, and as an immensely useful cleansing agent within an Arab cesspool. Don't know, but perceptions can change, and the world wide threat posed by Islam is beginning to make an impression. It's still not admited, it's too scary; but this might be a situation where it wouldn't have to be admitted --it would be a "special case"-- but admitting the special case would enable a strike against what in fact is the general fear. Could happen.

There are real good bloggers in that area. It makes for real time coverage and honest personal perception, not some ideologically concieved AP fantasy.

My favorite is Raja at The Lebanese Bloggers.

Pajamas Media has the fullest set of links.

Lebanese Political Journal and The Big Pharaoh have their own take, and Chester has some good speculative analysis as to the possibility of a larger war.


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