Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A New Dawn Darkening

Once a nation of warriors, Israel has now been defeated by an army of 1000 Mujahadeen. One-thousand Mujahadeen brings to its knees a nation of some seven millions, a nation possessing some of the most advanced weaponry in the world.

Pretty good going, Nasrally, "You da man."

Israel won't ever recover. They're not invincible, they're not even strong. They're sitting ducks, and they quack just like any other duck when they're hit with a rocket. I don't like this, I like Israel. But the world changes. Israel, as a nation, is dead.

Of course, any nation that can't defend itself against missile attack is dead as a nation. This is understood. It's called truism. If you can't defend, you're dead.

I've tried to understand why Israel hasn't instituted a massive call-up of reserves. The stakes are absolutely clear, absolutely simple. There is no longer a buffer zone. Hizbollah has demonstrated that it can acquire rockets, massive numbers of rockets, has demonstrated they're willing to fire them, and has demonstrated that they can get long range rockets. There is no longer a buffer zone. Israel's only protection is to wipe Hizbollah off the face of the map.

And they're not doing it.

They're popping off some bombs, as though this were an entertainment and not a war.

I've been trying to understand, and one positive thought did finally cross my mind: Perhaps they prefer a rain of rockets to world condemnation?

This is possible. To crush Hizbollah they would have to maraud up the entire length of the Bekaa Valley, they would have to cross east to Tyre and Sidon, they would have to fight in the suburbs of Beirut, and when they had eliminated this scourge at the cost of blood they would be condemned as brutal. No thanks for their service to the world, only condemnation.

So let the rockets fall. Rockets that can reach Haifa can soon reach France. So what's France going to do about it? This is one of those concepts that even an European can understand: If terrorists can fire off sophisticated rockets and not be condemned and eliminated, and if these terrorist are backed by Iran, then these terrorists --or Iran or any other terrorists-- can soon pick and chose what ever target they like, and their target of choice will die, just in the same way as Israel is dying now.

This is a new day, and unless an European force is formed that says this is a new kind of war that will not be allowed, it is a dark day.


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