Fox News

Okay, need some text to separate the pictures. So:
Subj: Pheasant Phantastic
Date: 12/8/05 12:07:31 PM Central Standard Time
From: LttrMsgy
Right-click picture(s) to display picture options
Dear Jute,
Have another pheasant waiting for you. You can do another one of your fantastic Saturday Suppers. As I say, Dad talks about it. He has totally dismissed me as a pheasant cooker.
Talked to Nance last night and she said ma is between mellow and grumpy. That's pretty good. The one problem now is that she sometimes won't sleep at night because she doesn't know who dad is and won't sleep with a strange man. Gets fatiguing. I'll talk to you about it briefly Sat. --She does sometimes take naps with him now in the afternoon. That's excellent because in general she doesn't get enough sleep. The problem there is that when she wakes up she tends to be pretty disoriented for a few hours.
Been working on Blogger basics. I'm not a natural at this computer stuff but I am making progress.
See you, --Myron

Will this work?
Ha, I am brilliant!!!
So, I know how to upload images now, the real trick being how to get the url, and how to copy/paste it easily and accurately, and I now have that down.
I still have to figure out how to wrap the text. I did it last night, but have forgotten how, and anyway don't think I did it perfectly.
Actually, the text is wrapping?
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Usama bin Laden may no longer have operational control of his terrorist network, the U.S. ambassador to Pakistan said Monday.
Ryan Crocker said bin Laden cannot communicate with his followers because he likely is hiding in a remote area, Pakistan's Geo Television and state-run PTV reported after the ambassador met with local journalists.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Peter Kovach, who was at the gathering, confirmed the substance of the reports. He said the comments were made at a lunch for senior Pakistani journalists.
Neither station broadcast a tape of the remarks, and Kovach said he had no recording, either.
According to Geo, Crocker also doubted suggestions that bin Laden's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had effective control of Al Qaeda, saying the fact that he issues occasional video and audiotaped statements does not prove anything.
The Al Qaeda No. 2 was last heard from on a tape that surfaced Sunday, urging all Muslims to take up arms and saying a refusal to join the fight against Jews and Christians would lead to the defeat of militant Islam.
He said the global Islamic community had "no hope for victory" until all Muslims signed on to the Al Qaeda-led jihad. His comments were contained in a 48-minute tape entitled "Impediments to Jihad."
The video portion of the tape was a still photo of a white-turbaned al-Zawahiri with English subtitles running under it. The audio appeared to be his voice speaking Arabic.
It was impossible to verify the authenticity of the tape.

Okay, the text wrapped just fine without my doing anything. Now to see if it wraps at all where I just used the image url and the aligh right command.
Okay, it does. I again assert I am brilliant. At least I am pleased.