Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Grand Strategy

The Grand Strategy

It's just popped into my head. The Obvious. I know now how Arabs intend to take over the world. White flight.

I'd wondered about their grand designs for a universal caliphate, when they can't even put together a 3rd class army, or make their own sheet of glass, or design a bike. Universal caliphate? By blowing themselves up? That hardly seems grand, and besides, it makes people mad.

But I now understand and their method is much simpler; they simply move into an area, people don't like them and leave. And so what's left they have, their bit of land. And then they breed. They expand. In socialist countries this works, that's where they're paid simply because they exist: Collecto, ergo sum. Hey, this is France. They collect welfare, they breed, they take over the government in a free and fair election. And it's home free. Of course, they will drive their host country into the dirt, but it will be Arab dirt. And once they rule even then it will take time to ruin. Some Frenchmen will continue to work and pay taxes. And when there's no more taxes? Oh well, they're no worse off than if they'd stayed home. --Wonderful faith, this faith of Mohammed. It doesn't matter how inferior you are: If you're Arab and Moslem you're superior by faith, and no failure can mar the bliss of this righteousness. --The point of this little screed is to point out to Frenchmen that Arabs don't want to assimilate, won't, and suffer no angst that they're not accepted.


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