Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Civil War?

When I was a very young kid, when we'd go down to visit the grandparents I'd be covered at night by a patchwork quilt. I really liked that quilt. It was super thick and fluffy, thus warm, and thus appreciated because on that primitive farm they still heated with wood. In the deepest winter, we'd go down to the kitchen in the morning and the water pail would be covered with a skim of ice. To get a drink you'd have to break that ice with the dipper. But under that quilt I was toasty. And it was pretty. It was hand sown from every odd bit of fabric they'd saved, in patterns of four or 8 inch squares. It was sort of a continuation of the immigrant tradition of thrift, though in fact they were not new immigrants and didn't really need to sew their own quilts or even live on such a primitive farm. They'd started on the farm, moved to the city, had done fairly well, then moved back to the farm just because they missed it and because it was lovely. And the quilt was lovely. Those hand stitched pieces of carefully saved fabric were carefully placed. I remember the theme seemed to be yellow. Bits of yellow placed all over amidst the dark, like spangles. I remember, many years later, when reading a history on the spontaneous outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, having the odd thought of how much it seemed the map of that breakout matched the pattern of that quilt. Last night I downloaded a map of France published by the Telegraph, showing the outbreaks of riots, the riots in little bonfires against a black background. It didn't really look like a quilt, it did remind me of that quilt... It looked like a Christmas tree... Is their any cognitive functioning human mind that does not recognize that this is an outbreak of conflict with Islam?


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